Monday, August 21, 2006

creepy and random

Okay, so I haven't told any of my friends about this blog and already there have been 77 people that have viewed one of the mePod videos! That is creepy and a little scary!!!

Hopefully I'll get more of the mePod infomercials up and running soon.

I wanted to thank some people who helped put these videos together. Erin and Sarah for filming, Greg, Kendra, and Shantay for their cameos, and Greg for holding all of the stuff as we made our way through campus. Erin thanks again for the 911 emergency help desk tech support.

A couple closing words for now.

I still have yet to buy an iPod. And I won't buy one until they make the programming better, make them indestructible, and make them cheaper. Until then, I will continue to boycott the iPod industry. I'll probably end up getting one when they are out of style in 10 years. Some facts that prove that I probably won't get an iPod until much later:

1) I have a laptop from 1989, it works perfectly but sparks when I plug it in, and it weighs a whopping 32 pounds.

2) My parents finally moved from wallphone to cordless phone in 2000.

3) I refused to get a cell phone because I didn't want to be "one of those people." I didn't get one until 2 years ago. Now, I am "one of those people" and I hate it, although I don't know how I ever operated without one. God forbid I can't find a friend I'm meeting at the movie theatre...I call them to find out that they are standing 10 feet away from me and then breathe a big sigh of relief. Sad but true. What did I ever do without a phone? It makes me sick how dependent we've become as a culture. I couldn't even tell you how to operate a payphone, I wouldn't even have a quarter in my pocket to make a phone call! I carry a check card! No cash!

Perhaps I'll keep up this blog thing now that I realized that there are people who have nothing better to do than to read someone's trite words and thoughts about the randomness that is my life.


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